Release 1.0-beta1
Provides all the mathematical functions missing in Java BigDecimal.
log(BigDecimal, MathContext)
exp(BigDecimal, MathContext)
pow(BigDecimal, BigDecimal, MathContext)
calculates x^ysqrt(BigDecimal, BigDecimal, MathContext)
root(BigDecimal, BigDecimal, MathContext)
calculates the n’th root of x sin(BigDecimal, MathContext)
cos(BigDecimal, MathContext)
tan(BigDecimal, MathContext)
asin(BigDecimal, MathContext)
acos(BigDecimal, MathContext)
atan(BigDecimal, MathContext)
sinh(BigDecimal, MathContext)
cosh(BigDecimal, MathContext)
tanh(BigDecimal, MathContext)
asinh(BigDecimal, MathContext)
acosh(BigDecimal, MathContext)
atanh(BigDecimal, MathContext)
pow(BigDecimal, int, MathContext)
calculates x^y forint
yfactorial(int, MathContext)
calculates n!-
calculates Bernoulli numbers pi(MathContext)
calculates pi to an arbitrary precision-
calculates e to an arbitrary precision mantissa(BigDecimal)
extracts the mantissa from aBigDecimal
(mantissa * 10^exponent)exponent(BigDecimal)
extracts the exponent from aBigDecimal
(mantissa * 10^exponent)integralPart(BigDecimal)
extract the integral part from aBigDecimal
(everything before the decimal point)fractionalPart(BigDecimal)
extract the fractional part from aBigDecimal
(everything after the decimal point)