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Release 1.1.0

API changes

New class BigFloat

The class BigFloat is a wrapper around BigDecimal which simplifies the consistent usage of the MathContext and provides a simpler API for calculations.

New method BigDecimalMath.coth()

The hyperbolic cotangens function coth() was added to BigDecimalMath.

The signature of the new function is:

public static BigDecimal coth(BigDecimal x, MathContext mathContext)

BigDecimalMath.Context removed

The inner class BigDecimalMath.Context was removed since it was not very useful and BigFloat provides all the functionality in a better and more intuitive way.


javadoc fix in BigDecimalMath.fractionalPart()

The javadoc of BigDecimalMath.fractionalPart() had copy & paste errors from the integralPart() method.


Note: The example code is available on github, but not part of the big-math library.


A simple example application that shows how to use the BigFloat class.


The JavaFX Application ch.obermuhlner.math.big.viewer.GraphApp is available as an example project that uses the big-mathlibrary. Graph Viewer