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Release 2.0.1

API changes

Module name for Java 9

Not really an API change but rather an API specification.

The deployed big-math Jar file contains now a module name for the Java 9 JigSaw module system.

This allows it to be used as automatic module with a well defined module name instead of deriving the name magically from the Jar file name.

The module name follows the reverse domain convention and is: ch.obermuhlner.math.big

OSGi support

The big-math Jar file is now OSGi compatible.

The MANIFEST.MF contains all the necessary headers and exports the public packages


Fixed BigDecimalMath.log(BigDecimal, MathContext) argument x very close to 0

BigDecimalMath.log(BigDecimal, MathContext) failed with arguments very close to 0 due to BigDecimal.doubleValue() rounding down to 0.

Fixed BigDecimalMath.atan2(BigDecimal, BigDecimal, MathContext) with positive x

A stupid typo in a division would give results with wrong precision results with positive x arguments.


No enhancements.


Note: The example code is available on github, but not part of the big-math library.

No changes in the examples.